error message “(#12) fql is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher”

error message “(#12) fql is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher”

I tried to fetching facebook messages using python script which is mentioned in the code below :


import sys

from facepy import GraphAPI
from facepy import exceptions

#Acces token with expire time = 60days

#Facebook app id and secret from
APP_ID = '1824237337804537'
SECRET_KEY = 'ee788eb9bea6d36f5f40e52530248f55'

def user_id_to_username(userid):

""" Function to convert facebook USERID to username. """

if userid is not None:

userid = '/{0}'.format(userid)
return graph.get(userid)['name']

except (exceptions.FacebookError, exceptions.OAuthError) as e:
print e.message

def get_message_author(message_list):
return user_id_to_username(message_list['snippet_author'])

def get_message_author_id(message_list):
return message_list['snippet_author']

def get_message_body(message_list):
return message_list['snippet']

def get_recipients_list(message_list):
author = get_message_author_id(message_list)
temp = message_list['recipients']
return ", ".join(map(user_id_to_username, temp))

def pretty_print(message_list):
for message in message_list:
print "from: ", get_message_author(message)
print "to: ", get_recipients_list(message)
print "Message: ", get_message_body(message)
print "-" * 140


#Output of the facebook query language(FQL)
#This FQL queries for message body, author, recipients for unread messages.

json_output = graph.fql('SELECT snippet, snippet_author, recipients FROM thread WHERE folder_id = 0 and unread != 0 Limit 4')
except exceptions.OAuthError as e:
print e.message

message_list = json_output['data']

if message_list:
print "No New Messages"

on executing this script it shows the error message :

(#12) fql is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher

what is not clear about that very specific error messasge?
– luschn
Aug 5 '16 at 7:40

1 Answer

FQL is deprecated and will be completely unsupported by Facebook by August 8, 2016. Facebook Query Language (FQL) Reference:

As of August 8, 2016, FQL will no longer be available and cannot be
queried. To migrate your app, use the API Upgrade Tool to see the
Graph API calls you can make instead.


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