POST to an HTTPS page with VBScript

POST to an HTTPS page with VBScript

I'm trying to connect to an HTTPS page with a POST request. It is on an old website that uses ASP/VBScript (not ASP.Net). I can do this with PHP, but I'm not so good with ASP/VBScript, and it continually fails. Here's my code:

Dim httpObj, myURL, myResponseText

myURL = ""
'Set httpObj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
Set httpObj = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

httpObj.Open "POST", myURL, False
httpObj.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "Application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

httpObj.SetOption 2, 13056
httpObj.Send myXML.Xml

myResponseText = httpObj.ResponseText

I've tried with both types of objects shown above (and others). The SetOption line supposedly ignores any cert restrictions on the HTTPS site. I have a valid XML object named myXML.



How do you know your doing wrong? Do you get an error?
– Lankymart
Jun 30 at 7:09

What is the response you get from the site, i.e. how exactly does the request fail? SetOption 2, 13056 should indeed ignore all certificate errors, so I don't see anything inherently wrong with your code.
– Ansgar Wiechers
Jun 30 at 10:39

SetOption 2, 13056

my bad, the basic plumbing was fine but the form data was malformed (just sending straight xml through as shown above). Once I fixed that, I got responses. Thanks to everyone who took a look!
– cbad
Jun 30 at 19:31

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