Undefined UserId

Undefined UserId

enter image description here

So I am trying to do a 1v1 chat but the userid is showing up as undefined when I push up the message, and the other-other users id doesn't show.

if (user.emailVerified) {
userPic = user.photoURL;
userId = user.id;
displayName = user.displayName;

var pm = database.ref('chat/' + userId);

// Create a new message and add it to the list.
displayName: displayName,
userId: userId,
pic: userPic,
text: myString.toString(),
timestamp: new Date().getTime(), // unix timestamp in milliseconds

This is is the code I am using to push the message up


This is the userID I am talking about
enter image description here

you say Undefined UserId ... but there's only user.id or the global userId - so where is this UserId that is undefined - certainly not in your code - except of course it would be, but then so is ljhgwvliueghgl as that too isn't ever assigned a value
– Jaromanda X
Jun 30 at 7:14

Undefined UserId






Are you sure that user object contains id?
– Kasabucki Alexandr
Jun 30 at 7:15

console.log(user) ... what do you see?
– Jaromanda X
Jun 30 at 7:15


May be you need to access to userId like this user.userId instead user.id
– Kasabucki Alexandr
Jun 30 at 7:54

Can you try using database.ref().child('chat').child(userId) instead of database.ref('chat/' + userId )?
– André Kool
Jun 30 at 8:32


database.ref('chat/' + userId )

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