Python Error - Google Foobar
Python Error - Google Foobar To anyone who has done Google's Foobar challenge before, have you ever encountered an error like this? Verifying solution... { "bytes" : "CAAaIgogQ291bGQgbm90IGZpbmQgJ2Fuc3dlcicgZnVuY3Rpb24" } I've tested my solution in Visual Studio, and it works fine, and it gives accurate output. I only have 36 hours remaining to submit my solution, and this is the final challenge, so I would really like to get credit for completing it. Here's the code I'm trying to verify: from fractions import * from math import factorial as fac def cycle_index(n): return [(coeff(term), term) for term in foo(n, n)] def foo(n, lim): soln_set = if n > 0: for x in range(lim, 0, -1): if x == 1: soln_set.append([(1, n)]) else: for y in range(int(n / x), 0, -1): recurse = foo(n - x * y, x - 1) if len(recurse) == 0: