Problem avoiding first responder on a NSTextField

Problem avoiding first responder on a NSTextField

I need to change behavior of input fields in a really simple app:
Simple OSX app

Whenever i launch the application the first text field get the focus, but i don't want this behavior.

I tried checking "Refuses first responder" in IB. It works but with this option checked i can't move between input fields pressing "tab" button.

What can i do to avoid focus at startup and keep the ability to move with tab keyboard button ?

Not really an answer since i didn't tried it on MacOS, but on iOS I would use [textfield resignFirstResponder] on load.
– Valentin Radu
Aug 11 '11 at 11:02

@mindnoise nothing to do, it still maintains focus.
– MatterGoal
Aug 11 '11 at 12:17

4 Answers

The (previously) accepted answer isn't reliable and doesn't work very well. The other answer with the hidden NSTextField isn't very great either because now you have a new element in your Tab order.


The solution I've found works best so far is:

Make the NSTextField refusesFirstResponder YES on app launch.

NSTextField refusesFirstResponder


Then, in viewDidAppear for the controller, go ahead and set refusesFirstResponder back to NO.




Everything behaves perfect after launch, and I don't have a greedy NSTextField stealing first responder on app startup.


I found the solution, you can add [window makeFirstResponder:nil]; after awakeFromNib for example in applicationDidfinishLaunching.

[window makeFirstResponder:nil];


window?.makeFirstResponder(nil) does not work for me - when I check who is the first responder, it is the window (and not a NSTextField) but still, the first NSTextField is selected and active. The solution for me (though I know not the cleanest one) was to create a hidden text field and make it the first responder every time the window did load.


window?.makeFirstResponder(nil) worked only when I set all NSTextFields to RefuseFirstResponder, but then using Tab to switch between them of course do not work.



This worked for me,

override func viewDidAppear() {

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: false) { [weak self] (timer) in[0].makeFirstResponder(self?.textUsername)
let tRange = self?.textUsername.currentEditor()?.selectedRange
self?.textUsername.currentEditor()?.selectedRange = NSMakeRange((tRange?.length)!, 0)

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