Devise, create a user that belongs to company
Devise, create a user that belongs to company
I want to create a user with Devise, that have a belongs_to association.
What is missing? What needs to create a user that belongs to a company from a select list?
my form have this:
= f.label :name, class: "siimple-label"
= f.text_field :name, autofocus: true, autocomplete: "email", class: "siimple-input siimple-input--fluid siimple--height-50"
| Select an option:
= f.fields_for :company_attributes do |b|
= :company, Company.all.collect{|p| [, p]}, {}, class: "siimple-select siimple-select--fluid"
the form shows ok, so when i try to submit, it says:
1 error prohibited this user from being saved:
Company must exist
Also my RegistrationsController have:
def create
def configure_sign_up_params
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:name, :bank])
(I am considering that Companies you want to add a user to already exist. If you want to create the Company and the User alltogether this is another story)
– Maxence
Jun 29 at 22:37
the company already exists, i have a select list for select the company where must belong.
– Marcos R. Guevara
Jun 30 at 8:42
3 Answers
I think your problem here is that the company parameters are not being permitted (which means the company gets set to nil
, hence the Company must exist
Company must exist
You have to override Devise's resource_params
method to add your company_id
attribute. Try putting this in your Registrations controller:
def resource_params
params.require(:user).permit(:user_attribute_foo, :user_attribute_bar, :company_id)
This don't worked
– Marcos R. Guevara
Jun 29 at 16:23
I think your column name is company_id and you are using company in the form. Try by changing it and permit this parameter.
i also tried, this isn't works
– Marcos R. Guevara
Jun 29 at 19:48
First them all, the registration controller was not overriden in the routes files, just got this:
devise_for :users, controllers: {
sessions: 'users/sessions',
# something missing no?
Fixed it with
devise_for :users, controllers: {
sessions: 'users/sessions',
registrations: 'users/registrations'
Then, just do common things like add something like this to the controller:
def create
params[:user][:company] = Company.find(params[:user][:company_id])
And add the missing permission to configure_sign_up_params
def configure_sign_up_params
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:name, :company_id, :company])
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I am not easy with HAML but you use
which is a way of getting fields belonging to another model. I am not sure you can (easily) do that with Devise. The only fields that you should query are the fields of your Devise model. If your Devise model User is a child of Company, just ask for thecompany_id
field which should anyway be one of your User Devise model field. (you can make it nicer by showing the name of the company instead with a select helper)– Maxence
Jun 29 at 22:35