Unclear on static scope destruction
Unclear on static scope destruction
I'm unclear on how static can be used dependent on scope.
int Foo( ) // returns int based on number of times called
static int i;
return ++i;
This makes sense. But what about an inner scope? When is int i's scope destroyed?
int Foo( )
static int i;
return ++i;
Would this function the same, or would it int i's scope be destroyed after the function's end?
int Foo( )
for ( int x; x < 10; x++ )
static int i;
return ++i;
How about for this?
The terminology in your question is not clear. Scopes can end, but they are not "destroyed". Variables can be destroyed, but static variables are not destroyed until the program ends (which is more or less their defining characteristic). Could you rephrase your question using the more usual terminology?
– JaMiT
Jun 30 at 11:55
The phrase you are using "i's scope be destroyed" should be rephrased to "i's scope ends" or "i goes out of scope".
– Eljay
Jun 30 at 13:02
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Well, isn't a function one scope level deep from a global? And yet a
there seems to have no issue retaining construction. Why would a static being further deep be any different? And of course, running your code would probably have answered your question regardless.– WhozCraig
Jun 30 at 10:02