CryptX Helps You Cut Out Spam

I love my email spam filter. But as good as it is, sometimes spam still gets through. Every step forward that spam filters make, spammers take (or at least try to take) two steps forward to ensure that some of their annoying messages get through.

Sometimes it's up to us, the humans, to help out our spam filtering digital assistants. CryptX is one of those ways we can help in the fight to keep spam out of our inboxes.

Possibly it's best feature, though, is how easy it is to use.

What Does CryptX Do?

All websites, perhaps especially business websites, need a way for people (aka, customers) to get in touch with you. One of the most common ways for this to happen is by email. You can, of course, put a form on your website. And that's a great step. But sometimes you just want or need to put your email address on your website. Of course, we all know that's a bit risky as spammers can gather up those displayed email addresses and use them to spam us like crazy.

That's where CryptX comes into the picture. By using a little javascript (programming language often used in websites) wizardry, it masks your email address and makes it much more difficult for the spammers to use that address against you.

How Do I Setup CryptX?

Once installed (just go to the plugins menu of your WordPress website, search for CryptX, and install it,) you should find CryptX under your the Settings menu in your dashboard.

Under the Presentation options you can define how you want email addresses displayed (with an icon, as a text string, with a custom image, or even with the text of the email address converted to an image.)

In the General options, CryptX gets really cool. You have the ability to automatically encrypt nearly every email address you've displayed on your website. That's right, the email addresses you've already displayed. You don't have to go find them all and then change them one at a time. Just one quick setup of CryptX and you're covered.

The Quick Takeaway

CryptX is a tool that you need in your anti-spam arsenal. I don't have it running on all of my websites yet, but that's only because I haven't gotten around to it.

 "Spam" by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0