What are the different types of documents needed for software development? [closed]

What are the different types of documents needed for software development? [closed]

I am aware of Functional Requirement Document and Technical Specification Document.
However, I would like to know, what are the different documents needed for an overall Project Development.

Let's say I have a small company, and I want to build a project for another company. What are the different documents I need to submit from the start to the finish?
And where do the FRD and TSD fit in?

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3 Answers

Maybe these will be a good start:

But I would say it all depends on the context. Different deliverables will be required for Agile projects as well as let's say RUP projects. This list should be agreed upon the target company/client..

...old one... however I definitely support the statement "...it all depends on the context." Example influencing factors: project methodology, architecture maturity, finance and budgeting constraints, 'burned terms' in organizations that cannot be reused for any reason, skill of involved people...
– Quicker
Oct 14 '16 at 13:03

For developing a perfect software following documents are mandatory in series:

After all bugs are fixed second cycle of STC and UAT is conducted to check if everything is fine now and fulfill user expectation. And finally the software is ready to use.

what about technical documentation?? i mean interface and code documentation for future review
– AminM
Dec 27 '16 at 6:06

Go for the SRS in the first place. A legal written documentation is very necessary which will involve all the kinds of things that would be included in a software. It shows your professionalism.

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