Flutter: get default context? or load assets without context?

Flutter: get default context? or load assets without context?

I'm trying to load a json file in a class extending SearchDelegate to search through its content.

I have a method to load this file:

Future<void> loadCountryData() async {
try {
String data = await DefaultAssetBundle
_countries = json.decode(data);
} catch (e) {

Unfortunately this requires a Buildcontext (context) that seems only to be available in the SearchDelegate build methods (like buildActions, buildLeadings, etc), but no outside like for example in the constructor.


As the @override xy build methods in SearchDelegate are called with every change in the search field, I would load my file over and over again, which is of course not ideal.
I want to load my file once at the beginning only.

Is there a way to get some sort of get default context that I could use for example in the constructor of SearchDelegate. Like in android (if I remmeber correctly)?

Or can I load an assets file without .of(context)?


2 Answers

You can give the BuildContext as a parameter through to loadCountryData(BuildContext context).


loadCountryData(BuildContext context)

As DefaultAssetBundle is based on an InheritedWidget you will always need to pass a context.



of just looks up the widget tree based on a BuildContext until it finds a DefaultAssetBundle widget. This means that you cannot retrieve a DefaultAssetBundle object without a BuildContext.






You will need to pass a BuildContext to your method. I could imagine a situation like the following:


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: loadCountryData(context: context),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<JSON> jsonData) {
if (!jsonData.hasData) {
return Text('not loaded');
return Text('loaded'); // here you want to process your data

/// I am not sure what your decode returns, so I just called it JSON
/// I thought it would make more sense to return the JSON to use it in build
Future<JSON> loadCountryData({BuildContext context}) async {
try {
String data = await DefaultAssetBundle
return json.decode(data);
} catch(e) {
return JSON.empty(); // imagine this exists

As you can see I passed the BuildContext from the build method. The FutureBuilder also allows to process the data in the build tree directly.




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